
The Hidden Voice – Book Club Questions

  1. The novel moves in different Cities/Countries. Do you feel the transition between different locations has been depicted smoothly?
  2. Are the descriptions about the places mentioned vivid? And do they create an interest in you to visit those places?
  3. The author has drawn a comparison between the protagonist Devki and an Indian Historic personality. Can you say who it is, and how the comparison is made?
  4. Which character impacted you the most and why.
  5. Why was Devki apprehensive in deciding to leave Gagan?
  6. Which, do you feel, are the turning points in Devki’s life?
  7. Do you feel the author has succeeded in maintaining a suspense throughout the novel?
  8. Are the characters and scenes realistic? Were there any specific scenes that moved you?
  9. How do you think Devki planned to bring the world together?
  10. If you happen to encounter someone like Devki, what would be your reaction towards them? Or what would you converse with them?
  11. Many readers feel the novel is based on a real life story. Do you feel so too?
  12. Did you feel that a few scenes could have had a different outcome? If so, what are they?
  13. How did the novel impact you emotionally?
  14. Was the message given by the story loud and clear? If so, what do feel it is?
  15. Where there any contradictions in the story? Did any character seem unfit in the story?
  16. Did you like the pace of the story?

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Chandraish Sinha

Chandraish Sinha is a software engineer by profession and a writer by passion.
After spending two decades in the computer programming world, he realized his forgotten love for fictional writing.
He has published many technical books and now venturing into the fictional world.
He writes novels, short stories and poems.
He is on a journey where fiction meets reality.

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