


अब  दें रहे है धार अपनी तलवार को मेरे दुश्मन
क्योंकि मुझे रोकना नामुमकिन हे…
ख़ुद बेठा है फ़रिश्ता मेरे पहलूँ में  और पूछता हे …
बोल “चाँद” आज तेरी क़िस्मत में क्या लिखूँ



Chandraish Sinha

Chandraish Sinha is a software engineer by profession and a writer by passion.
After spending two decades in the computer programming world, he realized his forgotten love for fictional writing.
He has published many technical books and now venturing into the fictional world.
He writes novels, short stories and poems.
He is on a journey where fiction meets reality.

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