
The River

There was a stream of water, flowing through a forest
Flowing for ages in oblivion, forgotten and unaware…
She was not even conscious of how many wars were fought on her banks,
She was not even aware how many tears drained in her water…
Big wild plants grew by the side of her.
No one knew her, and she knew none…
Then one day, one tired, exhausted soldier came to the stream
He touched the water with his lips. The water of the stream comforted him.
He drank and drank to quench his long lasted thirst.
The stream of water as if came alive with his loving touch
She gushed like a beautiful young maiden’s youthfulness, flowing with a smile
She washed all the pathways next to her and far beyond…
She raged in pride…
No one ever saw her like this before… no one knew when she transformed from a
little stream to a raging river
Soon People gathered around her, and she was giving life to everyone
Where-ever she flowed she distributed happiness. People were in awe of her
Soon villages and towns were constructed next to her, people thrived and multiplied with her
She traveled the entire length and breadth of the land..

And One day, that stream of water, looked back to see her soldier… but he was gone…
A little tear flowed from her eyes but people were joyous as there was more water now

Chandraish Sinha

Chandraish Sinha is a software engineer by profession and a writer by passion.
After spending two decades in the computer programming world, he realized his forgotten love for fictional writing.
He has published many technical books and now venturing into the fictional world.
He writes novels, short stories and poems.
He is on a journey where fiction meets reality.

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